Brief introduction
The piston flow regulating valve is a speed and pressure regulating type valve developed according to the characteristics of fluid mechanics. It has been widely used in power stations,water diversions, water supply, and other fields. The improved series of flow control valves are not only suitable for clear water, but also for natural river and lake water, and light sewage with good tolerance, from the design structure and material selection to solving the flow control valve for many years easy to scale, jamming, drive device is large problems.
Piston type regulating valve is a new type of regulating valve. It has a variety of control functions, such as water level control, pressure reduction, check-in, pressure relief, flow control, pipe break closing, etc. Its caliber ranges from 200 mm to 2400 mm, the pressure grade ranges from PN10 to PN100, and the pressure difference between inlet and outlet can reach 40kg / cm2. It not only fills the blank of large diameter control valve, but also fills the blank of high pressure and large differential pressure control valve. It is widely used in water supply, municipal pipe network, water plant and other fields.